白俄罗斯豁免函,白俄罗斯认证,BelarusExemption Letter,有些产品不在Mandatory certification of products in Belarus 白俄罗斯强制性清单范围内,也不在海关联盟CU-TR(EAC认证)范围内,为了海关便于识别和清关,需要申请白俄罗斯豁免函。
Mandatory certification of products in Belarus has been imposed by the Directive of Cabinet of Ministers No. 635, issued on September 22, 1993.
In order to make the country more attractive to investors, to give the details about the given area and the application of this law, to harmonize the system of verification of compliance with international rules as well as to align with other legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus, the new wording of law No. 269-3 issued on January 05, 2004 entered into force on July 14, 2011 by the law of the Republic of Belarus No. 228-3 issued on December 31, 2010 about amendments to some laws related to the verification of compliance with regulatory requirementsin the field of technical standards and standardization.
As an assurance of imported products quality, Belarusian buyers require to sellers the mandatory provision of the certificate GOST B. Besides, the terms of payment are often rigidly linked to the presentation of the certificate GOST B, without preliminary check if the product is subject to compulsory certification in Belarus.In case if obtaining certification is not authorized by the Belarusian legislation, the absence of the certificate GOST B could cause unexpected changes of trade schedule.
To overcome these inappropriate effects, official notification from approved experts can be obtained before the export. This notice is materialized in exemption letter.
Thus the exemption letter is an official document which states that the product is not subject to mandatory certification in Belarus.
Scope and relevant products
Any product intended in Belarusian may be concerned – these are essentially:
the items whose belonging to the list of products subject to compulsory certification must be verified
the items whose belonging to the list of products subject to compulsory certification must be verified
products whose identification according to the belarusian criteriais ambiguous.
Placing on the market
In order to prove that your products do not require mandatory compliance audit, it is recommended to the manufacturer or its agent to obtain an exemption letter attesting to that fact.
How to get it and applicable procedures
The official request to the belarusian authorized certification body must be accompanied by the following:
copy of the delivery contract in Belarus
list of product
description of products
Our solutions:
advice on the identification of your products according to the belarusian criteria