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上海经合工业设备检测有限公司    俄语区域产品认证专家

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摩托车EAC认证-俄罗斯ATV车EAC认证-俄罗斯雪地摩托EAC认证-018/2011 or 010/2011 ATV Certification
来源: | 作者:pmt1ac5e9 | 发布时间 :2018-10-10 | 1415 次浏览: | 分享到:
The technical regulations governing the safety of wheeled vehicles, as amended by Decision No. 6 of the EEC Council (January 30, 2013), after the deadline after the official publication, will enter into force on the territorial scale of the Customs Union on January 1, 2015. According to Appendix No. 1 of the aforementioned TR CU, under the registration number 018/2011, a list of objects in respect of which the provisions of the regulations apply is defined. Paragraph one of the appendix lists the list of vehicles where ATVs are subject to TS certification. Also in the registry is detailed classification of ATVs into categories, indicating the special characteristics, according to which certification of ATVs should be carried out.

ATV Certification

What foreshadows legislative changes

The technical regulations governing the safety of wheeled vehicles, as amended by Decision No. 6 of the EEC Council (January 30, 2013), after the deadline after the official publication, will enter into force on the territorial scale of the Customs Union on January 1, 2015. According to Appendix No. 1 of the aforementioned TR CU, under the registration number 018/2011, a list of objects in respect of which the provisions of the regulations apply is defined. Paragraph one of the appendix lists the list of vehicles where ATVs are subject to TS certification. Also in the registry is detailed classification of ATVs into categories, indicating the special characteristics, according to which certification of ATVs should be carried out.

ATV Certification: From Theory to Practice

The Russian certification system requires mandatory registration of all road vehicles, and ATVs are no exception. The certificate itself is an official document of a permitting nature, confirming that the object complies with all the norms and standards imposed in relation to safety and quality. These are the functions of the GOST-R certificate. In general, the certificate performs the function of confirming the quality of the vehicle in accordance with the existing technical regulations stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main thing to take into account is the fact that this certificate is mandatory, and registration is required for this type of product and related activities.

Registration of certificates of conformity applies to all types of technology falls under the action of the 010 TR CU "On the safety of machinery and equipment"

? ATVs;

? Snow and swamp vehicles;

? ATV;

The ATV certification procedure includes the formation of a set of all documentation, where the order is determined by the law of 2002 under the number 184-F3 “On Technical Regulation”. Turning to the certification bodies, the person is obliged to fill in all the necessary items, provide them to the receiving party, when paying a certain fee and wait for a response. The process can also be simplified by contacting specialized organizations, but this issue requires clear awareness of the company's activities in order to be sure that the procedure will not be fictitious.

Also, you need to know that the manufacturer’s ISO 9001 certificate is a priority for the ATV production process. Obtaining a permit document is approximately as follows: a filled application is submitted to the body responsible for certification, where the contract is concluded. Then, the certification center analyzes the received documentation, after which an audit is carried out, and only after the successful completion of the procedures a certificate is issued, with a validity period of 3 years, from the date of registration. ATV certification can proceed in a slightly different way, depending on who uses it for what purpose. All distinctive nuances are required to provide certification bodies. The only thing that remains unchanged after the issuance of the certificate is regular inspections throughout the entire validity period of the certificate. This period in this case is three years from the date of receipt.

In general, depending on the different situations and use cases, certification of ATVs includes the following types and types of documents:

? Certificate GOST-R (abolished on ATVs);

? TR CU;

? Certificates of origin ST-1, as well as ISO 9001 and EURO;

Testing of ATVs is a mandatory document, which is issued upon receipt of a certificate for ATV, and entails the function of determining the belonging to any natural or legal person.
In general, certificates carry a function for all types of activities performed in relation to the ATV: under the conditions of use in the market, for trade, as well as the corresponding customs clearance.
An exemption letter, in this case, has the function of determining that this type of equipment is not subject to certification. Basically, it becomes necessary to cross the border, or to bring a vehicle into the country for the first time.

Each of the certificates, as mentioned above, has a certain function, and, for their consideration separately, it is necessary to contact the authorities registering this type of equipment. Many aspects related to the certification procedure for ATVs, in reality, do not carry any need for themselves. That is why, before embarking on the immediate implementation of all forms, it is necessary to consult with a legal entity that is able to provide a list of necessary documents in a given region, and when used for specific purposes.







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skype: gostchina   


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